The following information is about the Slim Line – Lipo Light – a new service offering now available at Vibrant Life Center. Here’s what some people who’ve used the Slim Line Lipo Light have to say about their experiences: “Besides losing the inches you
I really feel better about having made the decision, it gives you Hope. It makes you want to go on, because losing weight is hard.” “I am really excited I have lost a little over 20lbs and 12 inches I am really excited I lost that amount of weight in such a short amount of time.”
“I think the experience was a learning experience. I lost 10lbs and 3 inches which is fabulous for 6 weeks I am happy my clothes fit better.”
“It has been a good experience, lots of inch loss friendly staff. In the three places that were measured I lost a little over 8 inches and in the waist above the tummy.” – Janine
“I have dropped a couple of pant size lost 20lbs, Try it out it gets you moving it gets you motivated, the results are there and they are Great!” – Dawn
“It has been an interesting experience I think it is a really good for taking off inches in those problem areas you certainly have to work at it. I have taken off over 10 in the 3 sections that had been measured which is about a little over 9%.” – Julie
“So far I have lost 17lbs and 10% of my body fat. The program is a good way to get your mind into the right frame of mind to lose weight. It is also a good way to stick to it because you have appointments and schedules it’s really a good way to get going.” – Molly
“I got a good experience with Slim Line Laser Fat Loss, The staff was really great to work with and I enjoyed my hours there 3 times a week, My results were really good, I lost 12 inches off my stomach, 3 inches off my thighs and some off my arms.”