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Lenore- 39 year old full time college student. I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I have asthma and it has always been hard for me to do many activities. I gained a lot of my weight when I was on Prednisone for an extended period of time. I have tried a lot of the fad diets, the Atkins Diet, Eat Right for Your Blood type diet, cabbage soup diet, peanut butter diet, and the macaroni and tomato juice diet. The only thing that has ever worked is the Blood Type diet, but like most diets, if you do not make that your diet for life, the weight comes back, and then some! I am did the laser assisted fat loss program so I can get my life on track, learn to eat right and am positive that this is a lifestyle change that I can stick to! Thanks again. |
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Angella – 33 year old mother of 2. I am active on the County Ambulance Service and on the Volunteer Fire department. I have always had weight issues and this was a good way to get on the right track. And boy was it ever. |
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Ann – 42 year old mother of five, ages 18, 17, 15, 5, and 2.I’m not someone who has been overweight her entire life, as I was very thin into my early 20’s, and then started putting on more weight as I neared my 30’s. It’s really been within the last 5 years, since I had my daughter, that my weight has gotten out of control, as I’ve become more sedentary. I have lost weight, only to gain it back and then some over the past several years. I simply can’t sit back and let my life get away from me any longer, as I really want to be around to enjoy my children for many years to come. I’ve got a terrible history of heart disease in most of my family, with my own father even having a heart attack when he was 3 years younger than I am right now. Add to that a family history of diabetes, along with my own gestational diabetes with my 2 youngest children, and I’m looking at a very short life if I don’t take control and get on a path to a healthier, happier lifestyle. You helped get me motivated and focused on a new lifelong path toward health! Thank You. |
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Becki – 35 Years. I’ve been the chubby kid since the 2nd grade and my weight fluctuated up and down into my adult life. To date, my greatest weight loss victory was losing 50 pounds with weight watchers and exercise. I’ve since plateau for the last 9 months and I’m very excited to try something new and different. And this worked. It moved me past my Plateau. |
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39 1/2
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43 1/4
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Shannon – Age 47. I have had a life-long struggle with my weight. You name it, I’ve tried it. I finally found something that worked. I lost a lot of weight, felt great and looked great. |
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Janeen- 45 yrs. old married to a wonderful man and have 3 daughters, 22, 20 and 11 1/2 and a step-son who is 21. I work as an Instructional Aide with students of all ages.I enjoy working in my flower gardens, riding horseback and spending time with my family and friends.I have tried many different programs to lose weight. They all helped to lose the weight but none taught me how to keep it off or make it a lifestyle change. I am excited I finally learned how to balance nutrition and exercise to become healthier, more energetic and to see a lot less of me! |
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Julie – Age 40. I have been married to my husband, Darin, for 19 years. We have a 17 year old daughter, and 16 year old son. I grew up in ND and have lived in Bismarck the past 16 years. My husband and I own America’s Home Loans and I teach special education at Century High School. This summer, a few weeks before my 40th birthday, I was told I have Type II diabetes. It was the wake – up call I needed to get motivated to make a lasting life style change for myself. I worked hard at eating healthy and exercising regularly and in turn was rewarded with losing several pounds over the summer. The long term effects are great, because I have made a dedication to myself to get healthier and not just go on another “diet”. |
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35 1/8
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42 1/2
Molly – age 29. I am married and have 3 children under two years old.I have been married since 2005. Since then, I have gained a whopping 80 lbs.! I would like to blame having 3 kids, in such a short period of time, on my weight gain, but I can’t. The fact is, my job got more sedentary, I started to cook more pastas and starchy meals and I slacked off on working out. The pounds just packed on, even before I started having kids.
I have bounced around the scale my entire adult life. I have tried a lot of “diets” and gone through cycles of working out but, I have never stuck to them. Now that I am a mother and have to chase after 3 little ones, I realize how important it is for me to set a good example for my children. That includes eating healthy and staying active. So that is what I am doing now. |
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Katie – 33 years old & I am a mother of two children.I have done weight watchers & training sessions through the gym before with results but I did not see enough results to make a permanent change. With the laser Fat loss, my results have been amplified which keeps me motivated. I have a ton of energy and where before, I would come home from work and just lay on the couch. Now I have the energy to do housework, go for walks with my kids and stay active for much longer! |
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“Missy” – 27 years old and a stay at home mom. I have been married for 5 years to my wonderful husband and have a beautiful 15 month old little girl.I have been struggling with my weight for 9 years! I tried LA Weight Loss but it wasn’t realistic with the weight loss Bars etc. Then I just tries things on my own but being uneducated on what the right food and exercise are was just a set-up for failure and I failed and failed and continued to fail. Then I saw an advertisement for the laser assisted fat loss and did some research and saw that this was something real and possible! They wanted a lifestyle change for me and I would get all the professional help I needed with the Laser Treatments which made perfect sense and the nutritional guidance! I’m in week 4 lost 8 inches and am starting to feel like me again! I cant wait to continue this life style change and for me that is BIG SUCCESS Already! |
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42 1/4
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36 3/8
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39 3/8
Paulette – 46 years old, married have a 13 year old son and a 6 year old daughter.I Have been overweight for most of my life. In the past I have tried Weight Watchers, diet pills and LA Weight Loss, but have never been able to keep the weight off.I made the decision to do the laser assisted fat loss program because I do not want to ever give up on myself. I want to be able to play with my kids on the playground, make as many great memories for my kids, husband and myself as I can.The difference with this program is we get the Nutritional counseling, learning the right way to use exercise equipment, the right foods to eat and to push ourselves to do as much as we can. To succeed for me is more than a six week program, but to never go back the way I was. |
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34 3/4
Tonya – Age 29.I am a hearty German diary-farm girl. Growing up, I was able to eat pretty much anything I wanted and still be healthy. Starting in college, I packed on the typical pounds and began my journey with health and nutrition. I learned what a calorie was, what protein, carbs, and fat were, and became a fitness junkie. However, for the past ten years I have struggled to reach my weight-loss and fitness goals. I am literally a walking manual on how to lose weight, eat right, be fit, and be healthy. I “council” my friends and coworkers regularly, But I was still 15-20 pounds overweight. Not any more. I lost all the stubborn fat that wouldn’t ever go away, no matter what I did. |
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Dawn – 38 years old. I want to get healthy. I’m at the age where I see the next stage of life and with a family history of diabetes and heart disease now is the time to change. I have tried many fad diets and started when I was in high school. Grapefruit, cottage cheese and crackers, starvation, weight watchers –all successful for quick weight loss, but none of them helped me change my bad habits. I am so excited to change my life! |