Just about everyone will benefit from spot-contouring with the Lipo Light.
It is great for inch loss on:
- tummy
- thighs
- love handles
- hips
- arms
- chin & neck
- legs
- derriere
It cannot be used by people with the following conditions:
- those under 18
- those with kidney, heart, liver or thyroid conditions
- those with metal implants
- those with epilepsy
- those who are photosensitive
- those who are pregnant or nursing
- have active cancer
- those with electrical implants or pace makers
- those who tend to keloid scarring
- those who are photosensitive or are taking medications that cause photo sensitivity
About Tattoos & Lipo Light
The lipo light can be used around but not on tattooed areas.
If you have questions or concerns about using the Lipo Light – please contact us to schedule a preliminary consultation. (405) 844-2880