What Can You Expect from Lipo Light Sessions?


Light Lipo Spot Reduce

Spot Reduce with Light Lipo




Where do you want to re-contour?

  • With Light Lipo you can target just problem areas.
  • Sessions are completely painless.
  • You can resume normal activity immediately after each session.
  • Most clients (94%) see results – and most clients get results starting from the very first session!



The chart below shows inch loss using the  Light Lipo as you can see the record is 30 inches in 63 days!

Inch Loss with Lipo Light

The record is: 30″ in 63 Days!!!!

Most clients see results from the very first session!

How many sessions you may need will be determined during your consultation.





How Many Sessions Will You Need?

Inch Loss per Session

Inch Loss per Session

The recommended course of sessions is 3 sessions per week for 3 to 6 weeks depending on your needs and goals.

We work with you to develop an action plan.

And, yes! we have financing designed to fit most pocket-books.